Thursday, November 19, 2009

Let's get started...

So after creating this blog account more than a year and half ago I thought it was about time I posted something. I have been feeling very guilty about my lack of creative output over the past wee while and in an attempt to do something about I hope to document my creative attempts in order to get feedback and keep the motivation alive.

My latest creations include our decorations for work. Inspired and art semi art directed by one of our presenters for our Christmas event, a small group together to sew some brightly coloured unconventional Christmas decorations. The bottles and lights were my idea using materials we already had. Pictured is our branch over our large table in the cafe, our receptionists desk, a self in the cafe and our tall table by our workshop rooms.

Love B

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Just came across your blog and your posts are gorgeous! Well thought out and so much inspiring content, esp love the YouTube talents clip...!