Monday, March 8, 2010

Craft Nerds - Bottle top pincushions

Every month a group of women under the banner craft nerds assemble at my mums house to eat treats, drink tea, learn and practice a new craft and have a good old chat. It's one of the highlights of my month and I usually leave obsessed with a new project or skill to master.

Since last year we have learnt crochet, paper folding for packaging, old fashioned embroidery stitches, make button broaches and possibly more I've forgotten. This month Sharon showed us how to make cute little pin cushions out of felt and bottle caps.

My first attempt was a bit munted because I forgot to bring a bottle cap so free styled with cardboard at the bottom. It's a bit puckered at the back (which I won't show because I'm too embarrassed).
My next attempts were much more pleasing and I am now obsessed with creating little fruit pin cushions.  I will attempt blueberries, grapes and red apples next. Let me know if you want one. I think they'll make the perfect gift for my crafty friends.
The lemon is my favourite!


Bex Rad said...

Oh Bethey those are just the cutest, I was gutted about missing this month's nerds and my guttedness has just been tripled.

Jess Harding said...

Love it! Oh Beth can I come now??! Now I am officially a worker and not a student and have free nights.