Sunday, April 25, 2010

I would love to draw with these!

LMNOP reader, Jessica McEvoy took their Craft Challenge back in December and won with these very cool, beeswax Space Invader crayons. Jess and her daughter have been working on perfecting a recipe for making beeswax Space Invader crayons. I didn't even know you could make your own crayons. This is something I'd LOVE to try!! I bet it's messy though.


Anna Rose Kerr said...

There is/was an amazing place in West Auckland that I remember going to as a kid, where you can make your own crayons or buy the most amazingly goey and colourful ones made there. I couldn't tell you the location or name, will see if my mum remembers.

B said...

Ooh I'd love to know. Thanks Anna!